101 JFK Parkway
Short Hills, NJ 07078-2708 USA
Roland S. Chase
D +1 973 912 7179
F +1 973 912 7199
Justin Dobbie, Esq.
Legal Branch Chief
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-3010
ADMA Biologics, Inc.
Amendment No. 1 to
Form 8-K
Filed March 29, 2012
File No. 000-52120
We note your response to our prior comment 8. Please revise the bulleted discussion “Develop and commercialize RI-001 as a treatment for PIDD” to state when you expect to generate revenue from the commercialization of RI-001 as a treatment for PIDD.
U.S. Securities and Exchange
April 24, 2012
Page 2
Please revise the statement on page 15 that “ADMA plans to sell normal source plasma to buyers in the open market” to state, if true, that you are already selling normal source plasma. We note on page 45 that you recorded revenue during the most recently completed fiscal year “from the sale of blood plasma collected in [your] Georgia-based blood plasma collection center.”
RESPONSE: The Company has revised the disclosure on page 15 of the Amendment to provide the requested statement.
Please revise the discussion on the bottom of page 15 to clarify whether additional FDA licensing, local approvals, and federal and state inspections will be required to open new ADMA BioCenters locations.
RESPONSE: The Company has revised the disclosure on page 15 of the Amendment to provide the requested statement.
We note your response to our prior comment 11. We note the statement that you believe RI-001 will be clearly differentiated from currently marketed IGIV products in part because of “the manufacturing processes [the company] intends to employ.” We also note the statement on page 18 that “Biotest does not have access to [y]our trade secrets during the manufacturing of RI-001.” In light of this please revise to clarify how the manufacturing process will differentiate RI-001. To the extent the manufacturing process to which you refer is Biotest’s rather than yours, please revise accordingly.
RESPONSE: The Company has revised the disclosure on page 16 of the Amendment to provide the requested clarification.
Please refer to the second-to-last paragraph on page 18. Please revise to clarify what you are referring to by “ADMA’s contract laboratories.” Revise to clarify, if true, that this is not a reference to Biotest.
RESPONSE: The Company has revised the disclosure on page 18 of the Amendment to provide the requested clarification.
Please revise to clarify the reference to “Item 404(c)(iii)” on page 61 as it is unclear to us to what you are referring.
RESPONSE: The Company has revised the disclosure on page 61 of the Amendment to provide the requested clarification.
U.S. Securities and Exchange
April 24, 2012
Page 3
Refer to our previous comment 22. Please tell us how your auditor was able to come to the conclusion that a going concern paragraph was not necessary in their opinion issued on your December 31, 2011 audited financial statements. Specifically address, in expanded detail, your history of losses from operations, your cash flow burn rate, your disclosure on page F-7 that you have experienced net losses and negative cash flows from operations since inception and the fact that you expect these conditions to continue for the foreseeable future. In addition, address the fact that you will not be able to generate revenues from RI-001 until after FDA approval which may not occur, and that you will need to secure additional funding prior to the third quarter of 2013 to continue development and operations.
In this regard, consideration should be given to including an explanatory paragraph that discloses the substantive reasons why the going-concern explanatory paragraph has been eliminated from the reissued report for December 31, 2010 by analogy to AU Section 508.69.
The Company has incurred net losses and negative cash flows from operations since inception - conditions that are expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
The Company has needed to raise capital to sustain operations.
The Company’s cash balances at December 31, 2011 were minimal.
In February 2012, the Company raised gross proceeds of $17.5 million in a private placement of securities (discussed in detail in Note 12 (page F-20)).
The Company expects to be able to fund operations into the third quarter of 2013.
If estimates about revenues and expenses prove to be wrong, the Company may have to raise additional capital sooner than anticipated and no assurance can be given that additional financing will be available to the Company.
U.S. Securities and Exchange
April 24, 2012
Page 4
Please revise both of these policies to distinguish between your treatment of the different types of plasma inventories you hold and sell as part of operations, and those you hold for use in research and development. Ensure consistency with your responses to our previous comments 29 and 30.
RESPONSE: The Company has added the requested disclosure to pages F-7 and F-8 of the Amendment.
As a related matter, please revise your discussion of research and development expenses on page 46 of the Form 8-K to specifically state, if true, that the plasma sold is not plasma collected at the Plasma center.
RESPONSE: The Company has added the requested disclosure to page 46 of the Amendment.